UNM Wellness
Stronger Together. We all want the same thing – to lead vibrant, and meaningful lives. The University of New Mexico works hard to help you get there with a wide variety of programs focused on health, wellbeing, and personal development. We’re even stronger if we work together – that’s why the Wellness Alliance joined forces to build a healthy University for all students, staff, and faculty.
Wellness Alliance Members
These departments and programs all have one thing in common – they are here to support and promote comprehensive wellness for the UNM community. Visit their websites to learn more about what each area has to offer.

Associated Students of the University of New Mexico (ASUNM)
ASUNM is more than a Student Government. We strive to enhance and enrich the UNM experience by serving the undergraduate population in both representation and by providing a multitude of opportunities for student engagement. We aim to protect the autonomy of the student body while also uniting each individual in a community that is both welcoming and safe. We are a body that will keep every student informed, and will serve and be the uniting factor of our Lobo family.
505-277-5528 | asunm@unm.edu | asunm.unm.edu

Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (COSAP)
COSAP works to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs through programs and practices that inform UNM students, faculty, and staff about the negative consequences of alcohol and other drugs, promote safe and moderate behaviors, and contest positive perceptions of AOD abuse.
505-277-2795 | cosap@unm.edu | cosap.unm.edu

Center for Life
The UNM Center for Life's mission is to provide customer-oriented, preventative services, and medical care in a healing environment by integrating the highest standards of conventional and complementary medicine and nurturing the intrinsic healing in the whole person – body, mind and spirit. Our practice of using integrative medicine reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is evidence-based, and uses all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals, and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.
505-925-7464 | CenterforLife@unmmg.org | hsc.unm.edu/health/patient-care/integrative-medicine/index.html

Counseling, Assistance & Referral Services (CARS )
The CARS mission is to promote a healthy work-life balance by providing on-site services to assist faculty, staff, and retirees in identifying and resolving personal and professional concerns. Relationship difficulties, anxiety, stress, job burnout, depression, eldercare, coworker conflicts, alcohol or other drug abuse, managing change, grief and loss issues, and preparing for retirement are just a few of the issues CARS can help address. Our vision is to achieve a civil, healthy, and productive campus work environment by enhancing the quality of life for the UNM community and thereby all of New Mexico.
505-272-6868 | cars.unm.edu

Dean of Students
Committed to creating opportunities for student success the Dean of Students office takes a challenging and supportive institutional approach to the development of the whole student.
505-277-3361 | dos@unm.edu | dos.unm.edu

Employee & Organizational Development
Employee & Organizational Development is dedicated to enriching UNM employee’s work experience through ongoing professional development.
505-277-1555 | eod@unm.edu | hr.unm.edu/eod

Employee Wellness
As a part of the Division of Human Resources, Employee Wellness exists to help UNM faculty and staff stay healthy. We encourage a culture of wellness with programs focused on fitness, nutrition, stress management, ergonomics, and preventive health resources.
505-272-4460 | wellness@unm.edu | hr.unm.edu/wellness

Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA)
GPSA is the recognized graduate and professional student government at the University of New Mexico. Our goal is to enhance the academic and intellectual environment for the graduate and professional students at the University of New Mexico and to promote the rights, interests, and professional development of graduate and professional students within the university community, through advocacy, education, and financial support.
505-277-3803 | gpsaoff@unm.edu | gpsa.unm.edu

HSC Wellness
The UNM HSC Wellness program works to create and promote a culture of wellness for HSC faculty, staff, and students. Wellness services include a wellness center gym on north campus, low-cost fitness classes, outdoor music events, and discounted Fitbits along with fun Fitbit challenges.
505-272-3500 | HSC-BeWell@salud.unm.edu | hsc.unm.edu/about/wellness/

Office of Professional Wellbeing (OPW)
As a means of supporting faculty and learners at the UNM School of Medicine (SOM) in providing the highest quality of medical care, the Office of Professional Wellbeing is dedicated to the promotion and delivery of initiatives that improve efficacy of practice, enhance a culture of wellness and promote resiliency for SOM faculty and learners.
505-272-7979 | OPW@salud.unm.edu | hsc.unm.edu/school-of-medicine/education/wellness/

Ombuds Services
Ombuds Services is a confidential, neutral, independent, and informal campus resource for staff, faculty supervising staff, and their coworkers. Ombuds Services facilitates your efforts to learn from diverse perspectives in the workplace, supports your efforts to build communication and collaboration, and brings systemic concerns to the attention of the organization. When you come to Ombuds Services for a one-on-one visit, an ombuds will listen in order to help you gain deeper clarity of your situation rather than listening to judge or decide who is right or wrong. The ombuds process is an effective way to develop options for moving forward. Ombuds Services can also refer you to appropriate resources to help improve your experience at work.
505-277-2993 | ombudsforstaff.unm.edu

Recreational Services
Recreational Services provides a wide variety of opportunities to enhance the education, recreational, and cultural experiences for a diverse University community. We are committed to excellence by offering services which stimulate a social, ethical, healthy, and safe environment.
505-277-0178 | recsvcs@unm.edu | recsvcs.unm.edu

Staff Council
The Staff Council is an elected body that addresses issues of particular interest to staff. It serves as a full partner with other University constituent groups in providing input into the governance of the University. UNM Staff Council strives to be the voice and advocate for University employees whose primary job is that of staff. The work of the council and its committees is substantial, and vary between staff appreciation events and awards to resolutions addressing serious issues with university administration.
505-277-1532 | scouncil@unm.edu | staffcouncil.unm.edu

Student Health and Counseling (SHAC)
UNM SHAC provides comprehensive medical and mental health services to all currently-enrolled UNM students. Located on Main Campus north of Johnson Center and across the mall from (east of) the Student Union Building, services include primary and urgent medical care, counseling and psychiatry, sexual and reproductive health, sports medicine, in-house laboratory and x-ray services, international travel health, allergy management, immunizations, nutrition, an in-house pharmacy, physical therapy, massage therapy, and health education and prevention.
505-277-1074 | shc1@unm.edu | shac.unm.edu